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Transport Planning and Modeling

ROM's team has extensive experience in integrative transportation planning for metropolitan areas.  We have developed and calibrated advanced Travel Demand Models (TDMs) for cities of various sizes and cultures.

Bucharest-Ilfov transportation model output

Our models use TransCAD and EMME-2/3 modeling software, and our staff is knowledgeable in a variety of advanced planning tools.  All models are based on extensive surveys and state-of-the-art data collection techniques, some of which are unique to the ROM team.  The models are used by policy makers, urban planners, economists, and environmentalists to develop short and long term policies, assess future transport investments, develop sustainability policies, and restructure existing networks to better suit demand and future predictions.

Our model designs include several unique innovative features including:


  • Modeling of intra-household interactions and joint travel

  • Enhanced temporal resolution

  • Individual mobility-related attributes

  • Explicit modeling of parking locations

Elements of a transportation demand model
Transport Planning and Modeling
Public Transport and Intelligent Transportation Systems

ROM believes in promoting sustainable and integrated transportation systems.  In developing public transport and intelligent transport (ITS) systems, we incorporate social equality and financial sustainability in our design.  We also focus on creating a system with high-quality service, intermodal integration, and an NMT-friendly (non-motorized transit) design.

Bus tracking transport planning
Bus stop design features

Our work has included the following:


  • Setting public transport policies and strategies for cities

  • Building transport modeling tools and using them to efficiently restructure bus networks

  • Integration of bus networks with metro network

  • Corridor proposals for concept BRT and LRT

  • Review and reform of taxi systems

  • Proposal of institutional and regulatory reforms

  • Recommendation of new functional and organizational charts for transport departments

  • Design of integrated ticketing systems

  • Development of normative standards for operational design and suggestion of legal amendments for their support

  • Review of current concession contracts for transit operators and preparation of new tenders

  • Real time ITS systems for real time passenger information distributed on board, at stations and via mobile apps

  • Development of contract monitoring schemes for privatized public transportation

  • Utilization of GPS and Fleet Tracking technologies for real time monitoring and data collection

Public Transport & ITS
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

ROM promotes the concept of bus rapid transit (BRT) as a solution for high-capacity transport demand in urban environments.  With lower infrastructure costs compared to other public transport systems such as metro or light rail, BRT is an attractive solution for cities with quickly increasing transport needs. 

Graphic from 2012-13 ROM/Arup joint venture project for Kampala BRT

ROM has worked on BRT specific projects in Central Asia and Africa where the consultant completed the following objectives:


  • Engineering feasibility studies

  • Detailed design

  • Re-organization of existing bus network

  • Integration with other transit services

  • Optimization and operational planning for efficient service

Designs from 2012-13 ROM/Arup joint venture project for Kampala BRT
Bus Rapid Transit
Transport Surveys & Data Collection
Transport Surveys and Data Collection
Travel habits tablets survey, Bucharest/Ilfov SUMP 2014-15

ROM has vast experience in collecting transportation-related data and conducting a variety of relevant surveys. The consultant handles the entire process, from planning to analysis, including management and surveillance of field work. Over numerous projects, the consultant has its ability to organize complex counts and surveys under tight timetables and budget restraints. We excel at working with logistical challenges and use state-of-the-art software to analyze the collected data quickly and efficiently.  In recent years, ROM has been on the cutting edge of in field surveys utilizing tablet computers with tailor maid applications for transport surveys providing enhanced and accurate datasets.  


  • Classified traffic counts

  • Congestion and travel time measurements

  • Travel habit surveys (THS)

  • On-board surveys

  • On-board passenger counts

  • Focus groups

  • Parking surveys

  • Non-motorized transport (NMT) surveys

On-board passenger count survey, Dushanbe 2015
Traffic and Parking Management

Parking rationalization is an important lever for the management of private automobile demand.  ROM is well experienced in the detailed design and complex balancing required in the creation of high quality and long term parking strategies.  The focus of such projects is on both environmental and financial sustainability.  Positive environmental impacts are a result of the reduction and rationalization of parking supply in a city, providing increased space for public transportation and NMT.  Financial sustainability requires a parking strategy which has significant revenue as to support itself and potentially provide necessary income for the client.  Complimentary themes to parking strategies which ROM provides include the application of ITS, PSA organization and definition of infrastructure design guidelines.

Parking issues in Bucharest

ROM’s focus in terms of traffic management is on the achievement of a healthy balance of traffic on mixed roadways.  This includes securing priority for sustainable transport means such as public transport, bicycles and pedestrians. Parking strategies are often a key element of a larger traffic management program which looks to streamline a road network to allow for decreased drive times and improved efficiency.  Another important element in traffic management is road safety, ROM defines this element as a high priority and ensures that proper measures are included in every project to keep road users of all types safe.  

Map of number of street parking spots in Almaty

ROM provides a variety of expertise for strategic and efficient traffic management and parking strategy, including:

  • Intelligent transport systems (ITS) and control centers

  • Parking schemes

  • Parking operations through Public Service Agreements (PSA)

  • Infrastructure design

  • Micro-modelling

  • Tolling and pricing schemes

  • Institutional and regulatory structuring

Traffic Management & Parking
Road Safety
Traffic accident hot spots in Bucharest

As the demand for mobility and speed increases, the meetings between high speeds and vulnerable road users increase.  At these points, traffic accidents are more likely to occur.  ROM has a valuable empirical as well as theoretical understanding of the circumstances that lead to dangerous road situations.  Furthermore, the company is experienced in developing and applying various solutions for increasing road safety including:

  • Physical changes to the roadway

  • Roadway, bike path, and pedestrian route design guidelines

  • Road safety advertisement campaigns

  • Analysis of road safety databases to identify safety “Black Spots”

  • Traffic improvements

  • Enforcement of traffic regulations

Road Safety
Capacity Building

Capacity building is defined as:


Activities which strengthen the knowledge, abilities, skills and behavior of individuals and improve institutional structures and processes such that the organization can efficiently meet its mission and goals in a sustainable way.


Arad capacity building structure chart

In terms of transportation, capacity building generally focuses on Departments of Transportation, Public Transportation Authorities and Public Transportation Operators and an attempt to streamline and improve these institutions knowledge and methods in order to improve service delivery and reduce operating costs.  ROM is experienced in providing a full spectrum of capacity building services, from the establishment of a new Public Transportation Authority to the definition of service guidelines and professional training.  These activities have helped improve the long term delivery of high quality service in projects where ROM has worked.  The objective of these services are to outfit the relevant professionals / institutions with the knowledge and methodology to continue to develop sustainable and efficient service delivery after the conclusion of the project.

Capacity services offered by ROM:


  • Institutional structuring

  • Establishment of new authorities and regulators

  • Development of contract tendering/public service contract scheme

  • Professional training in all relevant subjects

  • Management capacity building: improvement of fleet management, infrastructure, ITS and more

  • Financial arrangements including remuneration of operators and subsidy calculations

  • Coordination and integration between transport institutions and their organization surroundings

Capacity Building
Non-Motorized Transport

Non-motorized transport (NMT) refers to all modes of mobility which do not require a motor including everything from bicycles to skateboards, sail boats to pedestrians. Generally, transportation planning focuses on cycling and pedestrian traffic as essential elements in the traffic mix. NMT users enjoy numerous benefits, including low travel costs, flexibility in route choice, health gains and more. On the other hand, NMT travelers are vulnerable road users, are susceptible to weather such as rain and sun, and can travel only short distances. ROM has extensive experience planning and defining the delicate design and guidelines which are needed to improve the travel experience for these users. Interventions which ROM has planned and applied to various projects to improve NMT:

  • Bicycle network design and establishment

  • Pedestrian infrastructure upgrades

  • Accident mitigation interventions

  • Public space upgrades to promote NMT use including urban furniture, shelters, bicycle parking facilities

  • Design guidelines for all types of NMT

  • Land use planning which supports NMT

  • Methods for separating NMT modes from motorized traffic


ROM has also successfully modeled NMT with Travel Demand Models showing how various sustainable transportation policies, infrastructure improvements and parking management can improve the experience for NMT users.

Bucharest bike lane network
Non-Motorized Transport
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© 2025 ROM Transportation Engineering Ltd.

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